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15 – Julian Bucknall on DevExpress

I got a chance to sit down with Julian Bucknall, the CTO of DevExpress at PDC2008 to talk about using DevExpress’ .NET products with CodeGear‘s Delphi Prism from Embarcadero Technology.

Specifically we talk about the return of CodeRush to Delphi.

The microphone picked up all the background noise, which makes it a little hard to understand us, so I added captions.

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[Transcript 90% done]

Audio podCast

4.2 – Julian Bucknall

We continue our discussion with Julian Bucknall, the Chief Technical Officer of DevExpress and the author Tomes of Delphi: Algorythms and Data Structures. We will be talking about the Generic TDictionary that comes with Delphi 2009, and the latest news with DevExpress.

Be sure to read the great additional information from Barry Kelly in the comments!
Audio podCast

4.1 – Julian Bucknall

Our guest today is Julian Bucknall, the Chief Technical Officer of DevExpress and the author Tomes of Delphi: Algorythms and Data Structures.  We will be talking about the new generic containers in Delphi 2009 and how to use them.

Winners of the SmartInspect giveaway announced.