Here is my code and downloads from my CodeRage x session from October, 2015.
- Intro Slides
- Advanced Slides
- Advanced Samples: Geospatial, Indexing, LocalSQL
- C++ Sample
Here is my code and downloads from my CodeRage 8 sessions from October, 2013
Beyond the App
- Slides as PDF
- Sending a URL to Another App on iOS & Android with Delphi XE5
- The DX-Library I used for consolidated logging (works with XE4 and XE5, iOS, Android, OS X and Windows)
- My Multi-Platform Demo with DX-Library (all 5 platforms)
4 replies on “CodeRage”
when we can see the replay of coderage?
Hi , Can you please tell me where can i find the examples shown in previous coderage.
You would need to look at the individual CodeRage video and see if it has directions on where to get the samples. There is no central repository.
Hi Jim,
How can I implement facebook login in firemonkey mobile application for delphi xe5, I am unable to take out access token ,
I am trying to implement it with help of TWebbrowser and
How can I implement it with help of Rest