
Spirit of Delphi Poll

Typically the Spirit of Delphi award winner is chosen by the Delphi R&D team, but this year it would appear there is a community poll.  I am quite honored to find myself on the list of nominees.  To be numbered among such other great contributors is a treat in itself.

I encourage you all to get out and vote in the poll.  It closes this Saturday the 24th of October.

Audio podCast podcast

33 – Andreas Hausladen

Andreas HausladenFor our first podcast after an extended hiatus we spoke with the amazing Spirit of Delphi 2007 award winner Andreas Hausladen.  For those who don’t know Andreas, he is the creator and maintainer of a number of Delphi addons, libraries and fixes, including DDevExtensions, VCL Fix Pack and IDE Fix Pack.  Much of the code of his DelphiSpeedUp were incorporated into Delphi 2007 and most all of it into Delphi 2009.

This is the first podcast recorded with my new Blue Snowflake microphone.  Let me know if you like the audio better.

The picture of Andreas is actually a few years old.  He didn’t have a current one.