
Spirit of Delphi Poll

Typically the Spirit of Delphi award winner is chosen by the Delphi R&D team, but this year it would appear there is a community poll.  I am quite honored to find myself on the list of nominees.  To be numbered among such other great contributors is a treat in itself.

I encourage you all to get out and vote in the poll.  It closes this Saturday the 24th of October.

4 replies on “Spirit of Delphi Poll”

I think that this is just an unofficial poll, since Wings doesn’t actually work for Embarcadero. Even so, it’s quite an honor for you to have been recognized by the community members as worthy of the award. Congratulations! You’re in some good company on that list.

Ah, for some reason I had it in my head that Paweł Głowacki was Wind-of-Wings. Probably because he has the Delphi Wings relational mapper. Anyway, like you said, still an honor.

Jim, about the above poll – can you contact me privately? (at the above eMail or use ‘Contact Us’ on my Blog) – If you’d like, I want to take a small (and most technical) interview to all nominees.

Thanks in advance.

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