
Anders Hejlsberg on Programming Languages

Anders Hejlsberg at Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen (MDCC) talking about Where are Programming Languages Going? He comes in at about 3:07 and opens with a demo of Turbo Pascal to celebrate it’s 25th anniversary this month.

I love the stats he opens with about where programming languages were when Turbo Pascal came out 25 years ago. A great talk!

Covers DSL, Functional Programming, LINQ, etc.

[Source] [Hat tip Olaf Monien via Twitter]

10 replies on “Anders Hejlsberg on Programming Languages”

You obviously no longer read the e.p.d.non-tech newsgroup, but rely on small-bird network for updates? πŸ˜‰

Doei Rif

Yep I saw that, and you got it from my newsgroup posting I presume? πŸ˜‰

@Rif and Jim: I didn’t read it in the ngs either. Thomas Pfister called me Friday night (via regular land line – which still exist πŸ˜‰ and we talked about articles and interviews regarding Turbo Pascal’s birthday – an hour later or so he skyped me the video link πŸ™‚

Thomas is the Rave (and Oracle) guy here in Germany:

@Olaf and Jim
I came across the video some time ago, but did not have time to see it in details. DavidI’s blog posts about TP1 birthday prompted me to put it in the newsgroup. Anywhichway, please continue your good job of writing about Delphi/Pascal.
Greetings RIF

I’ve received the information from a good friend from danmark (IIRC was he an attend on the event),
but it look likes the community is healthy and communicate all the interesting thing in many ways.
that’s IMO good!

πŸ™‚ thomas

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