Audio podCast FireDAC podcast

Getting Technical with Cary Jensen and FireDAC (Episode 74)

In this episode of the Podcast @ we talk with Cary Jensen about his new book Delphi in Depth: FireDAC and the upcoming Delphi Developer Days which Cary puts on with Dr. Bob Swart. Nick Hodges, our co-host, was a previous host of Delphi Developer Days with Cary, and I’ve made a number of appearances there as well. They are highly recommended.

Cary’s new 558 page Delphi in Depth book tackles everyone’s favorite multi-platform database access framework: FireDAC. Cary gives it his unique treatment that only he can deliver. He gives special emphasis to all the configuration options available with FireDAC that can help you gain even more performance.

Delphi in Depth: FireDAC by Cary Jensen

For this year’s Delphi Developer Days, Cary and Dr. Bob are doing things a little differently. They are doing a special workshop focused on database development. You are encouraged to bring your laptop and follow along while you learn from the masters!

Just in case you missed it, Cary also put on a webinar on FireDAC recently that I recommend you check out.

2 replies on “Getting Technical with Cary Jensen and FireDAC (Episode 74)”

[…] Cary Jensen’in teknik anlamda FireDAC üzerine yapt??? bu podcast yay?n?n? mutlaka izlemenizi tavsiye ediyoruz. FireDAC’in derinlerine inmenizi sa?layan e?itimin neticesinde daha önce bilmedi?iniz yada kullanmad???n?z güzel detaylarla tan??ma f?rsat?n? yakalam?? olacaks?n?z. Podcast yay?n? ve daha kapsaml? bilgi için t?klay?n. […]

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