MVP News

MVP Spotlight: Samuel “Muka” David

Samuel David, Bug Buster Samuel “Muka” David is a Certified Delphi Developer since version 7 and a Certified Delphi Master Instructor. He specializes in software construction and building components. He loves Object Oriented development and is addicted to refactoring and agile techniques. He is always in search of perfect technique, following development teachers to acquire more knowledge in the art of programming. Delphi official instructor in RS by Aquasoft. Speaker at numbers Delphi Conference and one of Delphi Users Group coordinators of Rio Grande do Sul (DUG-RS). Also a lead instructor for the Extreme Delphi events all over Brazil.

I’ve met Samuel 3 times while visiting for the annual developer conference in Brazil. One thing he does to make things memorable is creating his talk around a move theme or some other external influence. In 2014 he was dressed as a Ghostbuster and did Bug Busters. Here is picture I got with him, Marco Cantu and my flaming hair.

Samuel David with Marco and Jim

He also creates  matching promotional posters for the conference . . .

Indiana Muka 2b GhostPost

Not only is he a master Delphi developer, he is also a master with Photoshop, creativity and costume design. He makes all his outfits himself, including the cool Delphi helmet patch on his shoulder above. Here he is dressed as Indiana Jones in 2013.


If you live near Brazil then I encourage to to plan on attending the 2016 Embarcadero Conference there. Not only will it be filled with great developer technical content, but you’ll get to meet all the great Brazilian MVPs and see what Samuel is dressed as this year.


In 2015 he was dressed as a member of the Elite Squad, although he isn’t wearing his beret in the picture above.