MVP News

MVP Spotlight: Jordi Corbilla

Jordi CorbillaThis week I wanted to spotlight Jordi Corbilla of London, UK in our Embarcadero MVP Spotlight. Jordi has a fantastic blog Random thoughts on coding and technology where he has some recent posts on working with KinveyParse and BaaS in general.

Beyond BaaS, Jordi is interested in Databases and Artificial Intelligence. He has a GibHub project that contains a series of A.I. Algorithms programmed in Delphi. He also has a Distributed Decision-Making System and a Natural AI in Python. I was also looking at his 2D Physics Engine, but that isn’t necessarily AI related.

Jordi SelfieIn addition to amazing programming skillz, Jordi is also a photographer. I fancy myself a photographer, but it is just a little hobby for me. I tried a selfie similar to his at the left a long time ago, but it didn’t come out as well (I doubt I still have it).

Jordi is a pretty amazing photographer. I rather like this photo (mostly for the subject matter) . . .


But he has a lot of other great photos on his Flickr and Facebook.