Yesterday, I mentioned I built a REST client and deployed it to iOS and Android inside 5 minutes. Someone asked me to make a video actually showing how it was done. So here it is showing a simple REST client built and deployed to iOS 9.1 and Android 6.0 Marshmallow.
Since I am using SpitCast, and it doesn’t offer an encrypted endpoint for its REST service, I had to modify the Info.plist to allow that on iOS 9.
Could I do it faster without the video recording and explanation? Yes, but I think you get the idea. Delphi makes building multiplatform REST clients really, really easy.
I’m curious to see someone create a client app using other general purpose development tools to connect to a REST service and too see how long that takes.
If I wanted to connect to a different end point to pull down more information on an individual surf spot I could that by handling the OnItemClick event for the List View.
If there is interest I’m happy to share my Sync-Timer source code.
2 replies on “REST Client Video Challenge”
Very interesting! What is the emulator you use for android?
great example! … can you share the Sync-Timer source ?