Today is Cary Jensen‘s birthday, and all he wants is your Unicode migration stories. He is putting together a white paper on Unicode migration, and he needs your stories: both success and horror stories. He hopes to capture what the migration was like in the real world, to help others who are also migrating to Unicode. So you give him a present, and we all benefit!
The call is out for Unicode migration stories. If you have encountered a Unicode-related challenge migrating your existing applications to Delphi 2009 or later, other Delphi developers have the opportunity to learn from your success.
Author and Delphi developer Cary Jensen is looking for real-world stories about Unicode migration for inclusion in a white paper on migrating Delphi applications to Unicode. With your input, this white paper should serve as a valuable resource for the entire Delphi community.
What Cary needs are brief descriptions of the challenge or challenges that you encountered, along with your solutions. He will mention your name in the white paper if he includes your story (unless you want to remain anonymous).
Cary is a great guy, and he does so much for all of us, so why don’t you send him a nice birthday present of a Unicode migration story. You don’t need to gift wrap it, or even put candles on it. If you are feeling festive when you are done, then you can eat a slice of cake (or whatever you do to celebrate) in his honor.
While today, November 5th is his Birthday, he is accepting gifts through November 27th, but the sooner the better!
2 replies on “Tell Cary a Birthday Story”
I’m pleased to announce that this paper was published by Embarcadero Technologies in mid-December. I talk a bit about it on my blog at You will find a link to the paper, titled “Delphi Unicode Migration for Mere Mortals: Stories and Advice from the Front Lines” at the end of blog.
Thanks for the support and encouragement, Jim!
Good to hear, thank Cary. I hope you got some good stories and had a happy birthday.