
Delayed Exception Handling

If you caugh the Delayed Exception Handling session, you can download the code.

7 replies on “Delayed Exception Handling”

Your session was in the middle of the night for me. Will watch the replay when it’s available!

Since the sessions are recorded. I’m no sure why each session can’t be replayed twice once for Europeans and the other for Americans. (I’m assuming the rest of the world could fit one or the other in without too much difficulty.

I think that is a great idea. I actually suggested that last year that they replay the sessions again at a 12 hour offset. I guess the issue is getting the speakers there for a second live Q&A plus needing staff at CodeGear to run the sessions.

A related Q&A forum would be better than the live Q&A – as the Q&A is time limited, and the opportunity to formulate the proper questions also may be a time challenge.

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