To all Delphi developers (past, present and future) who are attending PDC next week, be sure to stop by CodeGear’s booth to find out about the time of the Delphi Flash Mob. I’ll also post details here and via my Twitter feed.
What is a flash mob? Think of it as planned improvising. PDC offers Open Spaces meeting areas for attendees to arrange their own impromptu sessions. Kind of like Birds of a Feather sessions of old. So plan on meeting there to discuss Delphi. Allen Bauer has already volunteered to talk about anything he can and answer questions. It should be a great opportunity to learn more about Delphi. So bring your questions, or post them here now and we can be ready to address them there.
Remember: Details at CodeGear’s booth, on this blog, or via Twitter (check the Twitter page for more Delphi Twitterati)
7 replies on “Delphi Flash Mob at PDC”
Count me in. The main thing I would like to know is: why would I use Delphi Prism instead of Microsoft’s C#? I’m always on the look out for good opportunities to reimplement my software for .Net. Is Prism the way?
Unfortunately I cannot come to PDC, but I’m really excited to see that the “Delphi Flag” is going to be held up at PDC. Try to get as many new people to the Delphi community and maybe get some back who got assimilated in the past 🙂
Good luck!
See you there.
The (more than) obvious answer to whether to use Prism over C# is: It’s a better language.
I wish I were in the beta myself. I said I could only give an hour a week and that probably eliminated me.
(Microsoft MCP,ASP.NET)
@Bart: Tat is a great question! I am sure we can talk about that more. See you there!
@Olaf: I be looking for and talking to previous Delphi developers specifically. I am sure there will be a lot of converts. Delphi has come a long way recently, and it is moving in the right direction now too.
See you there @Bruce!
@Jay: Maybe they will add you later. You never know. Keep your fingers crossed!
The truth is, I can write code fine in either language. But I sure like that Object Pascal best. I’ve been here since Turbo Pascal and CP/M (and TurboDOS for any that remember that!), and am not anxious to leave. None of the other languages of that era survive in any substantial way, but I can still COMPILE those old 80’s-era applications with Delphi.
@Jay: Yeah, it is great to have a company that is committed to their developers and supporting backwards compatibility as good as possible.