We knew this day was coming, but it is still exciting it is here. Nick Hodges has a nice collection of links for more information. Be sure to check out his interview in the latest PodCast for even more details.
We knew this day was coming, but it is still exciting it is here. Nick Hodges has a nice collection of links for more information. Be sure to check out his interview in the latest PodCast for even more details.
2 replies on “Delphi 2009 Available for Order”
[…] Original post by Jim McKeeth […]
Nice to know that new release is on its way (even though orders are open, delivery may take some time).
First impression is there may not be much difference between Delphi under Inprise and under Embarcadero. The reason behind this impression is, the pricing factor. I am not seeing any much difference in this pattern. In fact it is most the sought after “feature” by developer community.
If I am not wrong, Individual/Small developers contribute most to Delphi development more than Corporate/Big companies, who are more inclined towards Microsoft development tools.
I feel that new pricing has failed to impress the developers and disappointed them after creating a news by announcing low price (and specifically not mentioning that its upgrade price)
Strong point in Delphi is native development. Why would one like to go for Delphi for .NET development when there is an elegant Visual Studio free version is available? Price of VS professional version can be considered as throw away price compared to language suites, documentation, overall quality it offers and moreover updating itself with new technology offered from Microsoft.
I think its high time that pricing of BDS to be looked into by Embarcadero seriously.
I have not seen and felt BDS2009 IDE yet, but I am under impression that there will not be any path breaking development in that too (if you watch ‘poor’ videos available as preview). I will be more than happy If am proved wrong in that.
I feel the pain as I have been using it since Turbo Pascal 1.0 all the way till BDS2006 and Kylix 3. Business (mis)management is killing one of the great development tool in software history.