
30 – Delphi Prism with AOP

Talking with marc hoffman of RemObjects about the latest Delphi Prism release.  A large portion of this episode focuses on Aspect Oriented Programming with the Cirrus framework and Delphi Prism.  We also talk about a number of the other features in this latest May 2009 release.

Yeah, this one is a little long.  The last bit is marc and I shooting the breeze for a bit about whatever.

This was also recorded out of order.  It was recorded before episodes 28 and 29.  I lost my original recordings and had to recreate it from marc’s recordings.  We had some lost audio in the call too, but it ended up coming out pretty good.

BTW, CyberEars (the podcast host) upgraded their download servers so we should have faster download speeds.  Let me know if you can tell a difference.  Also I replaced episode 8 that I accidently deleted a while ago.  Sorry about that!


Now iPod Touch & iPhone Ready!

Thanks to Holger Flick for letting me know that our podcast is now iPod Touch/iPhone ready! I don’t have an iPod Touch or iPhone (yet), so I wasn’t even aware this was a problem. Since I haven’t changed anything then I assume this is a new feature of CyberEars, who provides the hosting for my podcast and feed.