Android Components gadgets iOS Source Code

Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 Delphi Component

githubI took my code I previously used to control the Parrot AR.Drone and turned it into a reusable component. I added some more functionality to it as well, although there is a lot more to cover. The component is available on GitHub.

It should work with Delphi, C++Builder, Appmethod and RAD Studio on iOS, Android, Windows and OS X. I’d love to hear how it works for you and what you use it for!

Components Tools

Indispensable Delphi Libraries

What are your indispensable Delphi libraries? The 3rd party libraries you just can’t imagine starting a new project without? I know mine have changed over the years and we have an interesting new crop of libraries in recent years. I listed some unit testing libraries recently, but thought it would be useful to focus on general purpose libraries (as opposed to visual component suits). Here are some open source libraries I either find myself using a lot, or I look forward to using:

I’m sure there are a lot that I am missing . . . What would you add to my list?

Android Components iOS Tools

Scanning Barcodes with RAD Studio XE5

Turns out there are a few ways to scan a barcode with RAD Studio XE5, and no sooner do I make a video about it then TMS releases a component to scan barcodes, and then Thomas Krampe sends me his component that combines them all together.

Not that we need another barcode scanning app on our smartphones, but it can be a useful feature for an app that performs another purpose to be able to scan a barcode too.

This video was part of our Making the Connection: Programming Devices and Gadgets with RAD Studio webinar. Check out the on demand replay to get the source code.

Components iOS Mobile

TMS Pack for FireMonkey now supports XE5 and Android

TMS Pack for FireMonkeyVery exciting to see an update from TMS for their TMS Pack for FireMonkey with support for XE5 and Android (as well as iOS, OS X and Windows). Their pack includes a great diverse collection of controls for both mobile and desktop apps.