Funny Source Code

3D Credits Scroll with Delphi

A little fun with Delphi for today’s Star Wars day!

3D Credits Scroll with Delphi - May The Fourth

This is a pretty simple 3D form with a 3D layout at an angle, and then a 2D layout with text and images is animated up the 3D layout. The only code is populating the labels as the animation kicks off automatically.

3D Scroll - MayTheFourth-StructureDownload the code and run the full credit scroll, or change the message to share with your friends. It is FireMonkey, and while I only tested it on Windows, it should work on Android, iOS, macOS, and even Linux if you are running FMX Linux.

CreditScroll3D Source for 10.2.3 Delphi

May the Fourth be with You!

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