We’ve launched a new competitions section on the Embarcadero Community. This will host competitions for you to show off your creativity and technical skills. It is kicking off with two competitions, the Delphi 10.2 T-Shirt Graphic Contest and the #FunWithDelphi: NASA API Mashup.
#FunWithDelphi: NASA API Mashup
You can have a little fun with Delphi in the new year by entering into our Fun With Delphi contest! Delphi makes it fast and easy to build REST clients using powerful built in components like TRESTClient and TRESTResponseDataSetAdapter. You can easily load up the JSON data retrieved from a REST API into in-memory components like TFDMemTable. Finally, you can use LiveBindings to visually display the data in your apps with very little code required.
We are excited to see what creative ways the Delphi community can come up with to utilize the REST libraries so we are announcing a contest where you can showcase your best REST client mashup using the NASA API.
Disclaimer: This contest is not sponsored or approved by NASA.
Delphi 10.2 T-Shirt Graphic Contest
The next release of Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio is 10.2 Tokyo. While the release is still some time away, we can start having fun now. If you want to play with the technical bits, make sure you are on Update Subscription and join the beta. For a little fun we have a contest to create T-shirt designs. Break out your creativity and artistic skills.