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MVP of the Week: Robert Love

Robert LoveThis week we are highlighting the work of Robert Love, MVP. I had the pleasure of meeting Robert around the release of Delphi 6. A coworker and I drove from Boise, Idaho down to Salt Lake City, Utah for the launch event (since there wasn’t one in Boise that year). Robert Love runs the Salt Lake Delphi Users Group, and they scheduled a User Group meeting the night of the launch event, so we stayed for that too.

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Robert Love's Team Members - State of Utah
Robert Love’s Team Members at the State of Utah

He leads a team of Delphi developers that work for the state of Utah.

Some components they use there:

He is a top 4% contributor on Stack Overflow, having earned the silver Delphi badge. He also contributes to open source Delphi libraries (DunitX, Abbrevia, etc.), speaks at conferences and is a regular presenter for CodeRage.

At home he is in the middle of remodeling his house and working with his kids to add Arduinos and Raspberry Pi to automate everything. When he isn’t programming, Robert competes in competitive dutch oven competitions and volunteers for Boy Scouts of America. He is also an accomplished photographer.

Robert is also working on a replacement for the Component Development Kit that he is planning to make available via open source. I am really looking forward to this IDE add-in. For those that don’t remember, Component Development Kit was an IDE add-in by EagleSoftware back in the Delphi 6 days that walked you through the creation of components. It took Delphi’s simple component development process and made it really powerful.

Robert Love taking pictures at Dutch Oven Event
Robert Love taking pictures at Dutch Oven Event
Robert Love in mountains over house
Robert Love in mountains over his house
Robert Love's Daughter's First Electronics Project
Robert Love’s daughter’s first electronics project
Dutch Oven Cinnamon Rolls - Photograph by Robert Love (prepared by someone else)
Dutch Oven Cinnamon Rolls – Photograph by Robert Love (prepared by someone else)
Dutch Oven Chicken - Photograph by Robert Love (prepared by someone else)
Dutch Oven Chicken – Photograph by Robert Love (prepared by someone else)
Dutch Oven Rolls - Photograph by Robert Love (prepared by someone else)
Dutch Oven Rolls – Photograph by Robert Love (prepared by someone else)
Dutch Oven Cake - Photograph by Robert Love (prepared by someone else)
Dutch Oven Cake – Photograph by Robert Love (prepared by someone else)


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