I hope you are all as excited about DelphiWeek as we are. On Wednesday we have CodeBattles scheduled. These are a fun way to show off your programming skills. We all use a Google, DocWiki and Stack Overflow during programming. The coding challenge isn’t a trivia competition, but an opportunity for you to show off your problem solving skills and use some of the latest features in XE7.
It will take place Wednesday 11-Feb-2015 from 8 AM to 10 AM PST. All coding will be done online during this time window via GoToWebinar.
The scoring is a combination of points based on features implemented and public voting. David I. is planning to make plaques to send the winner. I think it would be great to hang a plaque in the office with the winner’s names too.
If you want to take part in the CodeBattle, complete this short survey with your information. We are considering working with both teams and individuals, if we get enough sign ups for both. So far we already have a few individuals. It is open to all Delphi developers everywhere. Even if you are not comfortable with English, we can chat via Google Translate.
Interested? Sign-up today!
3 replies on “DelphiWeek and CodeBattles”
…except, of course, those who are going to be unavailable because they’re at work during this event, which takes place during Standard Business Hours for a significant percentage of the target audience. 🙁
It is still open to people who might be working. Talk to your employer, they may give you time to participate. Just because you are busy doesn’t mean we are excluding you. If there is enough interest we can hold another one on Saturday or in the evening. Let me know!
I’d definitely be interested in participating in one that takes place on Saturday.