
Developer Skill Sprint: Effectively Using Delphi Generics with Ray Konopka

There was some confusion and a mix up with Ray Konopka’s developer skill sprint on Effectively Using Delphi Generics. We decided to move it to August 5th. So be sure to register for the new round of skill sprints and join us then.

August 5 Effectively Using Delphi Generics with Ray Konopka
August 7 Refactoring Object Pascal with Alister Christie
August 12 Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) with Roman Yankovsky
August 14 DataSnap Simple Calculator Service with Pawel Glowacki
August 19 Build an MVVM App in Twenty Minutes with Nick Hodges
August 21 JSON: The New INI File with Jeff Lefebvre
August 26 TMS Specifics with Bruno Fierens
August 28 New Object Pascal Language Features
September 2 Controlling Dynamic Field Creation in TDataSets with Cary Jensen

You can still catch the replays from the last series too, including the YouTube playlist and watch them all.