Brain Computer Interface Conferences

Meet Me in Philly at the CodeCamp

Philly.NET CodeCampI’m joining Nick Hodges in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania for the Philly.NET Code Camp 2014 Refactored. I’ll be showing off the latest version of Appmethod, including the Free Forever C++ for Android version. Astute readers may have noticed that my sessions are not on .NET, and the conference isn’t actually in Philadelphia. I’m guessing that is the “Refactored” part.

If you are in the area, stop by and say hi. They still have tickets for the two day event where you can catch all three of Nick and my sessions, and maybe a few others if you are interested.


Unit Testing: What it is, Why you should be doing it, and how to do it

Saturday, June 21st, 2014 at 7:30 pm on 

Michael Feathers defines “legacy code” as “code that has no unit tests”. Without unit tests your code is fragile, hard to change, and unreliable. Unit testing is the only way that you can be sure that your code does what it is supposed to do.

This talk discusses the basics of Unit Testing by defining terms, discussing what Unit Testing is and is not, and talking about the best techniques and practices for writing unit tests.

All the demos will be in Delphi code, but the principles all remain the same: There no longer is an excuse for not writing unit tests.

Is Thought the Future of Mobile Input?

Sunday, June 22nd, 2014 at 10:30 am on 

The Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is a mainstay of science fiction, but devices are appearing today to use our brainwaves as a computer input. Is it practical? How far away is it? What sort of input is possible and where is it being used?

We will look at the roots of the technologies that allow a view of the inner functions of the human mind, as well as the possibilities for direct input to, and augmentation of the mind, perception and thought processes. The process includes real-world examples and a demonstration with volunteers controlling software and hardware with only their thoughts and feelings. Gain an understanding of how this still evolving and largely unknown technology really works, how it can be used, and its longer-term implications.

Sharing Code and UI between iOS and Android

Saturday, June 21st, 2014 at 12:00 pm on 

You want to develop on Android and iOS, but rather not have to recreate your app or UI for each platform. This session shows you how to reuse up to 100% of your code and user interface to create native iOS and Android apps using Appmethod and C++. This isn’t your daddy’s C++ either; it has ARC, enhanced RTTI, visual designer, components and no pointer arithmetic (unless you are really into that).

Examples covering access to device sensors, local data storage and remote services. Also how to create a mobile app that extends the functionality of your desktop apps.

I plan on finding a good authentic Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich while I’m there too!

Philly Cheesesteak Sandwhich