Quick demo of a DataSnap client on Android with a preview of Delphi XE5. Shows how easy it is to visually bind your data with design time preview, and how easy it is to move your mobile database client app from iOS to Android.
Quick demo of a DataSnap client on Android with a preview of Delphi XE5. Shows how easy it is to visually bind your data with design time preview, and how easy it is to move your mobile database client app from iOS to Android.
7 replies on “Sneak Peek of Delphi XE5: Android DataSnap”
Fantástico! Amazing! It´s working!
Wanted to comment after the entry about how C# and Delphi are alike, but alas, that thread got ruined and then closed.
It is exciting that Delphi is venturing past the Windows world after all these years. This mobile work is the most exciting thing to happen to Delphi since the transition from 16-bit to 32-bit all those years ago. To me, it is not exciting because I can reuse old Delphi code, because to be honest I am not doing that. It is also not exciting because it means I can program in Pascal, because I know C#, Java and C++ very well, and don’t mix religion and syntax. It is exciting because it brings the best RAD development to iOS and Android, so I can concentrate on aesthetics and functionality, instead of the innards of GUI development. I can share all the non-UI and most of the UI code across different OS’es.
I am using XE4 to create an iPhone/iPad/PC/Mac financial app. The UI for this is nothing huge, but I still intend to have different forms in use for the different OS’es, so that the app will look right on each OS, and orientation. So far, Delphi has been immensely useful in letting me abstract the UI way from the guts, so that in the MVC pattern, Delphi takes care of the V and I can concentrate on the M and C. It will be nice to be able to add Android to this mix when I feel the need.
Furthermore, as this is a financial app with a very heavy emphasis on computation, it needs native compilation. There is no time to fiddle around with a Java interpreter [or another interpreted layer that gives me a proprietary lock-in to a weird variant of Pascal]. I’ve looked at all the various “cross-platform” alternatives out there, and nothing yet comes close to providing what i need (though Qt appears to be moving in that direction).
I would like to know, what app. are you running on the Android phone, Jim, that lets you VNC to the phone? I have seen there are a couple, but which one did you end up using Jim?
Acho que X5 irá mudar a forma de desenvolvimento
Será sensacional poder fazer um mesmo código para android e iphone
think X5 will change the way development
Will be able to make a sensational same code for android and iphone
@Jeremy: I am using VMLite VNC Server. It is $8 and works on non-rooted devices too.
The trick is you have to launch it via ADB. The desktop app they give you to do the launching doesn’t work very well, but if you have ADB already setup you can launch it with the following commands:
adb shell “am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.vmlite.vncserver/.MainActivity”
adb shell /data/data/com.vmlite.vncserver/files/vmlitevncserver
Optionally you can use ADB to forward the VNC ports over the USB Connection too:
adb forward tcp:5801 tcp:5801
adb forward tcp:5901 tcp:5901
Then use VNC to connect to localhost:5901
You can read the steps under the Linux section of their site: http://www.vmlite.com/vaac/
5 years late, finally arrived
I hope this will make the same success that Delphi 7 is still does
[…] Sneak Peek of Delphi XE5: Android DataSnap Posted by Jim McKeeth on 21-Aug-2013 […]