Talking with Allen Bauer, Chief Scientist with Embarcadero, working on Delphi and other RAD tools.
We discussed:
- Delphi on the Mac
- New platforms for Delphi
- Investments in Delphi Team
- New Cross Platform graphical widget library
- Escaping the beige world
- Decoupling UI from application logic
- Good user interface design
This is the second part of episode 44 with Allen Bauer where we mostly discussed Delphi for 64-bit.
4 replies on “45 – Allen Bauer – Part 2 of 2”
Very interesting interview, thanks. Looking forward to see more details about the enhanced databinding facilities.
I’m so glad that I adopt the Framework principal of app development, separating the functionality from the UI.
Nothing frustrates me more than dealing with other people’s code where the functional aspects of the code are placed DIRECTLY within the UI (such as huge routines bound to the OnClick event of a TButton).
[…] the other though, this is surely excellent news for Delphi itself, confirming Allen Bauer’s recent ‘announcement’ that QT is no longer planned to underpin the revived cross platform efforts. Congrats all round! […]
Another great interview, thanks Jim.