
What MVPs Are Saying about Delphi and C++Builder 10 Seattle

…of Delphi. Eliseo Gonzalez Nieto of Sistemas CASA in Mexico says the following (Spanish): Delphi 10 Seattle es la versión que mas me ha gustado por todas las mejoras que

Android Debugging Mobile

Debugging Against a Remote Android Emulator

…Tunnels and add a local*]}*/auto port forwarding for 5555 to locahost:5555 and 5554 to localhost:5554. Save and Open the connection in PuTTY Provide the login credentials for the Mac OS

Android Brain Computer Interface devices gadgets iOS Mobile

Connecting to the Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 from Delphi XE5

…:= 1; The AR.Drone is always at since it is the access point, and the port for communication is 5556 (one of a few ports, but the one we…

Android Mobile

What About Blackberry?

One of the most common questions we get when we talk about new features in Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio is “What about Blackberry?” which is almost as common as…

Android Source Code

Hello Moto 360 from Delphi XE7

…sample apps from Github. (Update: Added a view for Galaxy Gear Live & LG-G) BTW, XE7 adds local Git support, which is another great new feature. Download the trial and…


Pretty Printing Your Source Code

…a language, but the Pascal support is close enough. Sample from is similar to Carbon, but has more configuration options. The best part is that you can use…

10.3 Rio Android FireMonkey News

Android Z-Order, Native Controls, and 10.3 Rio

…more about all of these features in the DocWiki. Also, if you are already using Platform native ControlType on iOS or Windows then those control will take advantage of the…

10.3 Rio Android News webinar

Get the Most out of Android with 10.3 Rio

Question: 8.1 Oreo not yet available for S8+ Answer: That is unfortunate, I thought it was. I recently read that Android 9.0 Pie is coming. Question: In case I need an external


Join us for Live Coding!

…Central Time (find the time in your zone.) We will be on Craig’s Channel this week. Last week on my channel I worked on building a REST client. If you…


13 Reasons NOT to use Delphi

…need to write the app once for all the platforms, so one team and one code base for all the platforms. With Delphi, you just can’t justify hiring all those…